A new source of natural fiber in Bangladesh - Textile Worldwide24

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Saturday, December 12, 2020


A new source of natural fiber in Bangladesh

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A new source of natural fiber in Bangladesh

A team of researchers from Prime Asia University in Bangladesh has tried hard to find a new source. Which is a positive aspect for our textile sector and the state. If you can start producing it commercially, only the textile sector new horizons will not start, a new door will open in Bangladesh's economy and agriculture, if we can harness this potential. The content of the study was highlighted.

The names of the members of the research team are MD.Ahanul Kabir Oyon, MD.Sabbir Hasan, MD.Torikul Islam, MD.Bokhtiar Rahman, Prof.Dr.A.B.M Abdullah, Ex-DG (BJRI), Ex-ED(JDPC),Chairman DSK Textile Engineering Department, Primeasia University, Banani, Dhaka-1213

Horizon of diversified uses of natural fibers are in increasing trends due to their ecofriendly, biodegradable, re-cyclic and reusable characteristics properties. Recently different studies have been undertaken to find out new sources of nonconventional natural fiber. Sansevieria trifasciata is a long leafy wild plants, 70 species of them are available. They are native to India, Indonesia and Africa. It is evergreen and perennial. Its leaves grow vertically from basal rosette. Leaves arestiff sword shaped. Matured leaves are deep green with light grey-green. Its leaves are thicken and fibers are laminated with green waxy membrane. Presently this plant is urbanized as a decorative garden plant for their air purification characteristic property and conversion of co2 into o2 at night. Indigenously it is called in different names as “Mother-in-law’s tongue”, “Saint George’s sword”, “Snake plant” or “Bowstring hemp” in our locality it is called “Bhaghachokor” and it is widely found in different area of Bangladesh.



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A scientific paper on this work will probably be released by the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh by the end of December. They have taken up a new project with DSK. If they succeed by the grace of Allah the development of the country and the nation will be achieved.

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